Thursday, November 7, 2019

Organizational Fad or Fantasy Example

Organizational Fad or Fantasy Example Organizational Fad or Fantasy – Assignment Example ï » ¿ In your opinion, are teams an effective way for organizations to manage work and get the most out of their employees? Teams are critical in influencing organization performance in two ways; teams can help an organization to achieve incredible results or a team that does work may cause disruption of failure to the organization goals. In this sense, a team would enable an organization to achieve a given goals when its constitution reflects on the perspective of the organization. Conversely, team management has similar features to those observed in an organization. In essence, teams are effective ways that an organization can use to manage its employees. The process of constituting a working team should evaluate the employees who intend to work under the banner of a given team (Ashkanasy, (2000). This process does not only influence the ability of the team to perform, but also manageability of the team. In most cases, the composition of a team considers the following the skills of the team and the task which the team should perform. Critics have observed that organizations, which have embraced the teamwork attitudes, do not only achieve a given task, but enables their employees to advance their visibility in the organization (Hayes, 2002). When management anticipates delegating some of its duties, the best way to introduce the above is through creation of teams. While delegation enables the management to offer opportunity to leaders and some employees to release their leadership abilities, delegation is effective when working in teams. Teams enable management to influence the behavior of its employees. Large organizations usually develop structures in which various departments work towards meeting a given target. In this sense, the organization delegates the duty to the team leaders. Working within these teams enables the firm to monitor the activities or the behavior of its employees. Conversely, some critics have observed that teams may not deliver the objective of the firm when they do not have specific mission to accomplish. In some cases, some employees may resist the formation of teams. Ideally, many firms develop teams and abandon them after accomplishing a given task. However, some critics have noted that teams tend to be successful when the management and the team coordinate their activities (Lipton, 2002). The management should monitor the activities of the team as well as the motivating it. This enables the team to build the team spirit that is essential in accomplishing the objectives of the firm. Employees tend to demonstrate a sense of belonging. This attribute is critical because it influences individual ability or reaction towards a given action. It is arguable that teams enable employees to work as a group as well as sourcing information from the management. Since teams comprises of a given number, identifying the problems or challenges facing a team is quite easy (Harvard Business School Press, 2010). This enables the employees to express their views in relation to the task they perform. In conclusion, teams may enable an organization to achieve incredible result when its composition considers the tasks and the ability of the employees composing the team. References Ashkanasy, M. N. (2000). Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate. London: SAGE. Harvard Business School Press. (2010). Managing Teams. Pennsylvania: Harvard Business Press. Hayes, N. (2002). Managing Teams: A Strategy for Success. New York: Cengage Learning EMEA. Lipton, M. (2002). Guiding Growth: How Vision Keeps Companies on Course. Pennsylvania: Harvard Business Press.

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