Thursday, January 2, 2020

Essay on True North Book About Leadership Review - 1774 Words

Destiny, brought the book True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership into my life and I want to bring it into the lives of others. More specifically those who may believe they weren’t born with the characteristics or traits to become a leader or those who have not found their passion or purpose in life; their â€Å"True North.† The book, written by Bill George and co-author Peter Sims, compiles a series of interviews with 125 managers from Howard Schultz of Starbuck’s to Dan Vasella of Novartis. The interviewees guide readers through their journey to become the leaders they are today; discussing their failures, successes, obstacles, personal tragedies and triumphs. The stories of each manager prove the True North’s thesis, which is no one†¦show more content†¦After realizing how your life story connects to your purpose and passion, the journey begins. Many college graduates, and even some professionals believe the journey to leadership is a st raight shot to the top; as soon as you’ve landed top management, you’ve become a leader. But this idea is wrong. Leadership is a journey that has many ups and downs. Bill George and Peter Sims have observed three stages of leadership development: I. Preparing for Leadership: Character Formation and Rubbing Up Against the World II. Leading: Stepping Up to Lead III. Giving Back: Generativity: Wisdom and Giving Back As a student, I am in Phase I of my development. This stage is all about me; getting to know myself, educating myself and gaining as much experience as possible. This is the phase where it is important to ask ourselves, what do we want to do with our lives? In Phase II, we become leaders. In this phase, we usually go through a crucible; a tough time in our lives that tests ourselves and transforms our understanding of what leadership is all about. In Phase III, leaders are serving on for-profit and not-for-profit boards, mentoring young leaders, teaching, or coaching. They inspire and motivate others to become authentic leaders. This is said to be the most rewarding phase of leadership development. See Exhibit 1 in the Appendices for a graph thatShow MoreRelatedTrue North Is Leaders Essence Of Who You Are Our Deepest Beliefs, Values, And The Principles1170 Words   |  5 PagesSummarize the key argument or idea of the book True North is leaders’ essence of who you are, your deepest beliefs, values, and the principles you lead by. It is about a leader being genuinely human at a profound level. It is an internal compass that drives a leader through life. True North is leader’s adjusting point that helps him/her stay on track. It is unique for each individual based on individual’s life stories and crucibles. 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