Saturday, May 23, 2020

I Love My Life - 1967 Words

Dora Poole- I Love My Life Dora Poole PSY 202 CGA1149A Althea Artis Dora Poole- I Love My Life I have been through a lot in my forty eight years of life. Some of the experiences have been extremely positive and others leave much to be desired. The study of Adult development theories will allow me to analyze the past and help me to describe the journey my life has taken. The combined experiences have brought me to â€Å"Love my Life† today, and to have great hope for my future. I grew up in San Francisco California, a town that doesn’t sleep. I loved the â€Å"city† It was not uncommon for us to be catching the bus at midnight and there to not be an empty seat. Being an urban†¦show more content†¦I believe that Ida and James Taylor came into my life during that first stage of development and gave me a stable home. They nurtured and cared for me as if I were their own, and therefore I was able to overcome the chaos of my earlier existence and trust the world around me. Even though my parents had two biological children, they were ten and twenty year s older than me. After me children came and went from the Taylors, but there was a core group that came as babies and lived their entire childhood there. . I was the first foster child and the oldest of the group. My biological grandma once said that my mother made me help her with the little foster kids, but what they didn’t realize was that I was practicing to fulfill my calling as an early childhood teacher. I loved helping to care for the younger children. I would organize games and activities for them, and though I was a big help to Mama, she never made me feel forced. I have always known everyone from my maternal and paternal sides of the family. I didn’t blame my mother in fact; I never had any feelings for her positively or negatively. I felt fortunate that I ended up with the Taylors, because my sisters had a terrible experience in the â€Å"established† foster home and when they were returned to our mother, she didn’t seem very attentive to them . I was glad that she had a boyfriend named Sam who would pick me up in a cab, and take me to her house so I could be with my sisters who I adored. In my biologicalShow MoreRelatedI Love Two Things About My Life771 Words   |  4 Pages I love two things about my life: my fish bowl and Izzy. Izzy is my best friend. She takes care of me, a bright orange Clownfish. She even decorated my fish bowl like the sea. I don’t really know what the sea is, but it seems wonderful. I have colorful forest of bright, light, and dark green ropes, swinging side to side with the water, a bunch of rocks in all the colors of the rainbow, and an enormous castle. I always have fun in my fish bowl when Izzy is around, but when she is not a feel lonelyRead MoreMy Life As A Writer. 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