Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Language Online Investigating Digital Texts And Practices

Question: Discuss about the Language Online for Investigating Digital Texts And Practices? Answer: Introduction The major impact of the digitization reflects in the way people are communicating nowadays. The developing technology restricts the conversation in digital appliances like Smart Phones, Tablets and computers (Kiros et al. 2014). Communications today are mainly accomplished via Formal E-mails, Informal Text Messages and Facebook Chat. However, the researcher depicts the link between digital communication and general spoken language and attitudes of different people (Bernard 2015). The assignment also followed by a PEE Paragraph concerning the paralinguistic features. Ultimately, the assignment wraps up with the discussion of the attitude of common beings towards the Multi Modal Language. Discussion Short extracts from the different transcripts The first one is a formal e-mail Communication for a weak leave for vacation. To greet my higher authority I used Respected Sir as I have to convince him for grant me some days off from office. Thus, I have had to make my gesture courteous. The actual conversation I address by the phrase I would like to request a vacation for 5 days effective since tomorrow. I assure that all my work will be accomplished on the scheduled time The next conversation is an informal text message; where I ask my friend to help me completing my report. I am making a request to my friend; however, at the same time I use casual language and the actual gesture I used is Could you please finish that report for me within tomorrow? I required it A.S.A.P. The third type of conversation is the Facebook Chat, where I asked my cousin to plan a movie outing and then a pizza plan. I addressed by saying Hey...! Let us plan for 2:30PM movie and then go to the Pizza Hut. Do not be late. Here I just have to provide my cousin information regarding our outing planning; hence, I do not have to be formal with her. Features of the spoken language In case of Formal E-mail, the important feature to consider is the greeting gesture and the way of presenting the thoughts (Somerville et al. 2015). Concerning this assignment the feature is to greet the Authority person persona and then politely ask for 5days holidays form the office. Next case is for informal text messages where the main feature of the spoken language is to provide the relevant information while not maintaining the formal gesture (Francesconi 2014). Person even uses some abbreviation, like in this assignment the person use ASAP that means As Soon As Possible. Another conversation is the Facebook Chat where the spoken language only plays its vital role with the use of correct vocabulary with relevant meaning. Formal greeting gestures are also not required. Impacts of the spoken Language choices In case of formal e-mail conversation, the impact relies on the facts that the discussions are of great importance and all the official conversation is done through that medium. The informal text messages contain important conversation; however, the impact is that the receiver may misinterpret the actual meaning of the conveyed text (Ferri and Grifoni 2012). This misinterpretation may arise by the short terminology for some term as in this assignment ASAP is used. The Last form of conversation is the Facebook Chat where an individual never uses the important messages to make the conversation. People usually use the Facebook chat for normal talk and only outings plans or for small gatherings. Discussion of different attitudes to MML and text-speak: Multimodal talk is the direct conversation that is accomplished by face-to-face. Liking with the assignment the researcher used the formal e-mails, informal text messages and the Facebook Chat. Verheijen (2013) depicts that the multimodal language brings diversity in the way the people communicate with each other. These forms of communication not only attract the technology-concerned individual; however, also influence others to opt for this easy way of communicating with other. The positive impact is that the person does not have to go to the desired personally to tell them their point of view (Pachler 2012). In this study, the analyst mailed the authority asking for leave for the vacation. The primary objective for the formal conversation is that the request for leave and the desired reason is easily conveyed. Barton and Lee (2013) however portrays that, this multimodal language has a pitfall that puts a negative impact in case of messages, chat conversation as the general vocabulary of the individual is destroyed, and it affects by pillaging the punctuation or savaging our sentences etc. Exampling the scenario people nowadays uses CMB for Call me Back and IDK for I do not know etc. These conversations not only make the delivered message difficult to understand for a person; however, it is also not looking fine (Schmitz 2014). This thought resembles with the John Humphrys concept regarding the attitude to MML. PEE Paragraphs on Paralinguistic features PEE paragraphs are essential as this method propose a statement that the researcher may provide evidence and that is followed with the necessary explanation to prove that statement. Point: People use a different from of gesture while taking with the babies or smalls pets. It represents the Vocal Paralinguistic features. Evidence: Experts says that people make lip-rounding gesture when they talk with babies and pets: Coochy coochy coo. Their gesture also represents the affectionate nature of the concerned individual. Explanation: Vocal Paralinguistic features are related to something that we want to say. These chances can be seen by the characteristics of volume of the individual. The tone change in the persons voice depicts their attitude of the conversation. Conclusion The researcher concludes that the three medium that is opted in the assignment is very useful for carrying conversation to convey the important discussion. The priority ranks from the formal e-mails followed by the informal text conversations and then with the Facebook chats. Furthermore, the researcher also concludes that Paralinguistic features illustrate the method of communication that is distinctly from other forms of language. The way of their communication- like the voice they used, the effort they put in the conversation, makes a powerful message conveyed to the desired receiver. Reference Barton, D. and Lee, C., 2013.Language Online: Investigating Digital Texts And Practices. Routledge. Bernard, D.E., The Intellectual Group, Inc., 2015.Multimodal natural language query system for processing and analyzing voice and proximity-based queries. U.S. Patent 9,223,776. Ferri, F., D'Ulizia, A. and Grifoni, P., 2012. Multimodal Language Specification for Human Adaptive Mechatronics.Journal of Next Generation Information Technology,3(1). Francesconi, S., 2014.Reading tourism texts: a multimodal analysis(Vol. 36). Channel View Publications. Kiros, R., Salakhutdinov, R. and Zemel, R., 2014. Multimodal neural language models. InProceedings of the 31st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-14)(pp. 595-603). Pachler, N., 2012. 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